The library maintains free wifi (wireless) service for the use of its patrons. Users requiring e-mail access should use their provider's website to retrieve or send e-mail. This service will be available at library’s opening (9:00 am) and will remain available until 1 hour after the library closes. Users must agree to abide by the Library’s Acceptable use policy.
Computer Use:
The library maintains 20 public use computer workstations, all of which have high speed Internet access, Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, Excel, Publisher), and access to subscription databases. Pursuant to CIPA, all computer use within the library is filtered. However, no filter is foolproof and parental supervision is important. Children 10 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
Agreement with an acceptable use policy is required.
Library owned computer may be unblocked for research purposes.
Printing is available from all computers, at a small fee; prints may be picked up at the front desk.
Please make sure the proper number of pages is selected, and ‘print preview’ is used to ensure the desired output is displayed. Patrons are charged for pages printed – staff members have the ability to NOT print items that might contain errors.
To ensure adequate time and opportunities exist based on the demand for computer time, the library uses software to ensure computers are available when needed. All patrons are guaranteed at least one 45-minute session – this session is automatically extended when computers are available. If all computers are in use, and others are waiting, the software may not extend time.
It is the patron’s responsibility to ensure that work is routinely saved to removable media. Any number of situations may lead to data loss – including: power loss, freezing of the computer, accidental reset, and loss of session. Data stored on the desktop or on the hard-drive is erased automatically & cannot be recovered.
- Overdues:
- Books, Magazines & puzzles: $0.25 / day
- DVDs, CDs, Recorded Books: $0.50 / day
- See Due Date Policy in event of emergency closure
- Miscellaneous:
- B&W print: $0.10 / page & Color print: $1.00 / page
- Returned Check: $40.00 / check
- Lost or damaged: Cost of replacement (non refundable)
- Non Resident Library card fee: $40.00 / family
Overdue Notices:
The library sends overdue notices 2-weeks and 4-weeks after items have been due. The library mails a bill for outstanding items 12-weeks after the items are due. All overdue fees are capped at the cost of the material.
Return Book Drops:
The library maintains book drops, located in the parking lot, to which items may be returned. Please feel free to use these if you do not plan to come into the library. Items returned prior to 9:00 am will be considered returned on the prior business day.
Unaccompanied Minors:
Children ten years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult while using the library.
Meeting Room:
Please reserve the room well in advance of your program as several groups have regularly scheduled meetings. The name and phone number of a contact person for your organization are required.
Please let us know at the time you reserve the room if you have any special seating or equipment needs, such as use of a television or DVD player.
Contact Andrea at 610-432-4339, ext: 208.
Meeting Room Rules
- NO smoking anywhere on the library premises including the parking lot.
- NO alcoholic beverages are permitted.
- Food and beverages are permitted at the discretion of the library director.
- The Whitehall Township Public Library reserves the right to require that any public advertising of the meeting include the following statement: "The views expressed in this program are not necessarily those of the Whitehall Township Public Library." The name of the Whitehall Township Public Library may be used on publicity materials only to identify the location of the program.
The group is responsible for:
- Directing people to the meeting room
- Ensuring that participants park in the library’s parking lot
- Cleaning up after the meeting
- Adjourning at least 15 minutes prior to the library's closing time.
Inclement Weather / Emergency Closure:
Changes to the library’s schedule will be announced on the library’s telephone greeting at 610-432-4339, and also on local radio stations.
- WAEB (790)
- WLEV (100.7)
- B104 (104.1)
- WZZO (95.1)
You may also check WFMZ-TV (channel 69) at 25 and 55 minutes after the hour only OR go to WFMZ (Storm Center): select STORM CENTER, then select SCHOOL AND BUSINESS to see our status.
Due Date Policy in event of emergency closure:
- Materials due on dates we are closed will be due the next day we are open.
- Materials due prior to the closure date will be considered overdue upon return.
- Materials due on the date we are closed, and returned after the library has reopened one day will be overdue; fines will be applied as if we were open.
- Our book drops are available to accept your returns 24-hours a day.